
Elevation is the perceived distance between an object and the surface behind it using shadows and light. Elevate UI elements to create visual cues, aid scannability, and convey levels of importance.

Depth, shadow, and light

Fluent interfaces mimic three dimensional space by placing components at different elevations along the z-axis to increase the visual prominence of certain UI elements. This creates a clear hierarchy and sense of focus within an experience.

Elevation uses the interplay of shadow and light to imply the distance between two surfaces and illustrate how far an object appears from the surface behind it.

Shadow direction

Shadow direction

Consistent shadow direction conveys a perceived light source.

Shadow size

Shadow size

Just like in the physical world, sharp and crisp shadows indicate closeness to a surface, while larger, softer shadows indicate a greater distance.

Shadow system

Fluent uses a set of equations to generate consistent, cohesive shadows based on any given value. The shadow ramp references increasing blur values to indicate shadow size and, thereby, distance. For example, shadow 2 has 2 pixel blur and shadow 64 has 64 pixel blur. The six shadow types, token values, and use cases are listed in the following elevation tables.

Shadow system

Fluent shadows are created by combining sharp, directional shadows (key) to define the edges of an element and soft, diffused shadows (ambient) to imply distance.

Key shadows and ambient shadows

Platform distinction

Windows uses strokes instead of key shadows to outline an object.

Key shadows and storke

Low elevation ramp

Low elevation ramp
Shadow 1
Blur = 1 * n
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0.5 * n
Opacity = 14%
Shadow 2
Blur = 1 * n
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0.5 * n
Opacity = 14%
Shadow 1
Blur = 1 * n
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0.5 * n
Opacity = 28%
Shadow 2
Blur = 1 * n
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0.5 * n
Opacity = 14%
Light Shadow 2

Light Shadow 2

Cards without an edge and floating action buttons when pressed


Dark Shadow 2

Dark Shadow 2

Ribbon, icons, and hero buttons


Light Shadow 4

Light Shadow 4

Cards without an edge


Dark Shadow 4

Dark Shadow 4

Cards, grid items, and list items


Light Shadow 8

Light Shadow 8

Floating action buttons, raised cards, and raised app bars


Dark Shadow 8

Dark Shadow 8

Command bars, command dropdowns, and tooltips


Light Shadow 16

Light Shadow 16

Cards without edge and floating action buttons when pressed


Dark Shadow 16

Dark Shadow 16

Callouts and hover cards


High elevation ramp

High elevation ramp
Shadow 1
Blur = 1 * n
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0.5 * n
Opacity = 24%
Shadow 2
Blur = 8
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0
Opacity = 20%
Shadow 1
Blur = 1 * n
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0.5 * n
Opacity = 28%
Shadow 2
Blur = 2
X Axis = 0
Y Axis = 0
Opacity = 20%
Light Shadow 28

Light Shadow 28

Bottom sheet, side navigation, and raised tab bars


Dark Shadow 28

Dark Shadow 28

Bottom sheet, side navigation, and raised tab bars


Light Shadow 64

Light Shadow 64

Pop-up dialogs


Dark Shadow 64

Dark Shadow 64

Panels and pop-up dialogs


Shadows on color surfaces

To convey the same level of elevation on color surfaces, we adjust the shadows using the luminosity equation. Use the provided brand shadow tokens to apply shadows to colors in an interface.

Luminosity equation

When compared to neutrals, the same shadow value on brand colors may not give the impression of the same elevation levels. To bring elements to the same level of elevation visually, we use the luminosity equation to calculate the shadow opacity based on the color’s luminosity.

Use the brand shadow tokens to ensure consistent shadows throughout interfaces.

Shadows on color surfaces


0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B

Shadow 1 opacity

Round ( 42 - 0.116 * luminosity )



Shadow 2 opacity

Round ( 34 - 0.09 * luminosity )

Adjust shadow opacity based on the luminosity of the surface color

Adjust shadow opacity based on the luminosity of the surface color

Don’t use the main shadow ramp on colored surfaces

Don’t use the main shadow ramp on colored surfaces